Sonthofen Gymnasium

Integral refurbishment of an existing building

Gymnasium Sonthofen komplett neu saniert

A building fabric in strong need of renovation, huge energy consumption due to lack of insulation and a climate perceived as unpleasant - that was the starting point at the Sonthofen Gymnasium, a school built after the so-called »Kassel model«. This typical precast reinforced concrete construction is found in many public buildings from the 1970s. Meanwhile, plans for a comprehensive overall refurbishment of the school have been completed. Aim of the reconstruction measures: Passive House standard. The whole work was done during the regular schooling.

Das Gymnasium Sonthofen vor der Generalsanierung

Energy-efficient insulation, heating and ventilation

In order to achieve the passive house standard, the building got a new, highly heat-insulating lightweight wooden facade with cellulose and an outer insulation layer of wood fiber boards. A ventilation system with heat recovery supplies the learning environment with fresh air.

Even the humidity is recovered from exhaust air in order to supersede a humidification of the incoming air in winter. A ground-water heat pump and an energy-efficient cogeneration build the school’s heat supply system. Moreover, an optimized façade made from glass saves electrical energy for lighting through better use of daylight and provides a friendly study atmosphere.

In combination with an intelligent feedback control system the annual ultimate energy demand of the refurbished building amounts to only one tenth of the initial value. Thus the emissions of climate-damaging carbon dioxide are cut by more than 80 percent.

Project Operation:
Stadt Sonthofen

Rathausplatz 1
87527 Sonthofen
Telefon    08321|615-0

Ref. 25812