City of Baesweiler: Saving energy by refurbishment

For example: the modernization and optimization of the school building


Heating and cooling of buildings consumes significant amounts of energy. To save energy and money and reduce greenhouse gas emissions, the city of Baesweiler works systematically on refurbishing all municipal buildings energetically.  As a first step, the municipality has analyzed 21 objects and identified appropriate packages of measures.

A gradual replacement of components in combination with already planned repairs turned out to be most useful in most cases. A reconstruction with passive house com-ponents appeared to be the more economical alternative in all cases - compared to a refurbishment in accordance with the German Energy Saving Ordinance (EnEV).

Das Gymnasium vorher

Baesweiler Gymnasium: Getting active for the passive house standard

A first measure is the modernization and optimization of the school building in terms of energy. The desired result: Passive house standard for new buildings. The concept which should be completed by mid of 2013 is based on a reduction of the high energy consumption through a new, air-tight outer shell, new passive house windows and a ventilation system with heat exchanger that supplies the building with fresh, well-tempered air. The building is cooled by geothermal probes which takes cooling energy out of the ground in summer. During the heating season, the 1,700-meter long probes supply in combination with a heat pump the building with heating energy.

At the same time the school building should be upgraded even in terms of creativity and design. In order to improve the learning environment, the building wings get an exterior painting in the form of an identification color. The overall project is the winner of the contest »Local Climate Protection« in 2010, hosted by the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety.

Project Operation:
Stadt Baesweiler

Mariastraße 2
52499 Baesweiler
Telefon    02401|800-0

Ref. 26650