Ecological mail order: memo AG

In 1990, the German ecological mail order company for office, school, household and leisure, memo AG, was founded.

memo AG

The company’s line follows the strict criteria of sustainability. Products are tested throughout the value chain - from raw material extraction to recycling or disposal. Comprehensive background information made the company’s catalogue a reference for sustainability and help consumers to make their decisions in line with ecology and a sustainable life.

For the memo AG a high standard is not enough - it focuses on a continuous improvement and is often recognized as a pioneer in product development. The company was a pilot partner of the »Fair Trade Certified Cotton« label for fair-traded textiles in Germany. In 2010 in collaboration with an Indian company emerged the first life-cycle analysis of a memo T-shirt, including the CO2 footprint and water consumption.

memo Textilien

Taking responsibility - completely and at all levels

Beyond the corporate philosophy, a holistic approach is practiced. Since 2007, the memo AG is carbon neutral and has an impressive ecological site management, documented by a sustainably designed building, flat corporate hierarchies and transparent structures.

Jürgen Schmidt

Outstanding commitment

The memo AG and its founder Jürgen Schmidt have been honored many times. In 2001 with the B.A.U.M. Environmental Award, the »Eco-manager of the Year 2007« by Capital and WWF Germany, and 2009 the company received the German Sustainability Award as »Germany’s best recyclingpaper company« and in 2010 memo AG got an award from the Verbraucher Initiative e. V. and in 2011 the German Environmental Award of the DBU.

Project Operation:
memo AG
Am Biotop 6
97259 Greußenheim
Telefon    09369|905-0

Ref. 90011-01