Yeşil Çember – Green Circle

There are currently almost 2,7 million people of Turkish descent living in Germany.


They are engaged in many different areas of social life, such as sports, culture and education but not so much in the field of environment and nature protection: The target group has little knowledge on how to sustainably produce or consume. Yet, surveys show a clear interest of Turkish-speaking migrants in the issue.

The main obstacle against the activation of Turkish-speaking migrants for the environment is the lack of communication services and target-group-specific information material. The relevant NGOs offer barely any activities and events for Turkish-speaking migrants.

Contact points for questions and concerns in matters of nature and environmental protection are also few and far between. A gap that the NGO BUND is trying to bridge with the training of Turkish-speaking multipliers and an adapted environmental education programme.

With financial support of DBU Turkish-speaking working groups throughout the country are mobilizing people and organizations of migrants‘ milieus. The initiative trains environmental ambassadors and issues bi-lingual information material, organizes excursions, campaigns and major events, such as the yearly Turkish Environmental Day.

Project Operation:
Bund für Umwelt und Naturschutz Deutschland Landesverband Berlin e. V. (BUND Berlin)

Gülcan Nitsch
Crellestraße 35
10827 Berlin
Telefon    0160|93706967
Telefax    030|787 900 28

Ref. 27493