Nature as a positive philosophy of life

The love of nature is what drives the Heinz Sielmann Foundation


»Anyone who has ever seen a sunrise on the lake or observed thousands of birds flying in the sky, knows that an intact nature is the basis for a life worth living«
(Heinz Sielmann, 1917-2006)

For almost 60 years, the wildlife filmmaker Heinz Sielmann brought nature of all continents into the living room and managed to raise our awareness for the environment. The Heinz Sielmann Foundation continues this mission and is strongly committed to bequeath future generations a healthy, livable nature. Conservation is understood as positive philosophy of live and this vision is supported with goals and implemented in concrete projects.

Heinz Sielmann

Sustainability is the core idea of commitment to conservation. In order to preserve the natural diversity and productivity of the ecosystem permanently, and to promote and inspire people to nature, the Heinz Sielmann Foundation pursues effective long-term strategies:

  • Acquainting people, especially children and young people, through personal experience with a positive relationship to nature,
  • Preserving refuges particularly for rare animal and plant species,
  • Increasing the public awareness for nature and its protection, and
  • Building the Heinz-Sielmann-archive of nature film.

Nature conservation interests and, increasingly, social aspects play an important role. In addition, the Foundation supports at home and abroad additional habitat and biodiversity conservation projects and works often with partners. The love of nature is what drives the Heinz Sielmann Foundation - and that means the love of animals and plants as well as the love of man.

Project Operation:
Heinz Sielmann Stiftung

Mauerstraße 93
10117 Berlin
Telefon    030|263939014

Ref. 90005/01