Using Compressed Air more efficiently

Because of its outstanding advantages, compressed air is one of the most important industrial energy sources.


However, electrically produced compressed air is also the most expensive industrial energy source. In its conventional energy conversion process from primary energy, a conversion efficiency of only 3 % is reached. A major portion of the heat loss is often wasted. Instead of producing compressed air with electricity, the compressor can be powered with natural or biogas. This way the heat loss created in the conversion can also be almost completely put to industrial use. In combination with compressed air closed circuits, the usable energy available to the compressed air-powered apparatus can be nearly doubled.


In cooperation with major industrial firms from the energy branch and the University of Kassel (Universität Kassel), Postberg+Co. Druckluftcontrolling GmbH (Kassel) has undertaken this new path in the production and use of compressed air, and brought it to readiness for practical application. Postberg+Co. has also developed the »CAE-Manager«, a hardware product for maximum control and supervision of production conditions, which ensures consistently optimal energy efficiency in the entire system of compressed air production and use.

With this approach the primary energy requirements for compressed air and heat production can be reduced by nearly a third. With regard to greenhouse gas emissions: a single user of the KWK-Druckluft+Systems can achieve reductions of 240 tons of CO2 per year. In view of the (for heat-contracting) short amortization time, industrial use of the system is also economically attractive.

Project Operation:
Postberg+Co. Druckluftcontrolling GmbH

Emilienstraße 37
34121 Kassel
Telefon    0561|506309-70

Cooperation Partner:
Universität Kassel Institut für Elektrische Energietechnik (IEE)

Wilhelmshöher Allee 71
34121 Kassel
Telefon    0561|804-6344

Ref. 28777