Drawing the Future – Sustainability Animation Competition

For over 20 years now the German Youth Hostel Group (Deutsche Jugendherbergswerk, DJH) has promoted the issue of sustainability.


In the Jugendherbergwerk’s facilities, various environmental protection measures have been put into practice, and a broad spectrum of educational offerings consistent with ESD, Education for Sustainable Developmen­t, have been introduced. 2011 saw the beginning of the DBU (Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt, German Federal Environmental Foundation)-supported project »Trickreich in die Zukunft« (Drawing the Future or Tricky into the Future) www.nachhaltiger-trickfilm.de: children and youths between 7 and 19 years of age produce animated films on the subject of sustainable development, in cooperation with the youth hostels.


Class Field Trips and Vacation Camps

»Roll the film!« is now the motto for field trips and educational tours. Youth hostels are integrating animation workshops on sustainability into their target-group-specific programs.

As of 2012 an animation kit with laptop, webcam and animation material is part of the starter package in nine youth hostels. DJH employees of participating hostels nationwide are being trained for the teaching program in animation. The facilities are conducting model events on »Sustainability Animation« with the assistance of media professionals.

The young filmmakers publish their films on the Internet and take part in the national competition www.nachhaltiger-trickfilm.de. They are eligible to win prizes with a total value of 5,000 Euros with their films.

Project Operation:
Deutsches Jugendherbergswerk

Leonardo-da-Vinci-Weg 1
32760 Detmold
Telefon    05231|9936-33 oder -35
Telefax    05231|94890-33 oder -35

Ref. 29042