30 Pilot Networks

The average energy efficiency increase in Germany industry over the last ten years was about one percent per year.


The aim of this project is to double this »autonomous« energy saving progress in medium-sized companies via local and regional company networks, which are regarded as a ­pioneering innovation in industrial self-organization.

How can this be achieved? Experiences made in Switzerland since the mid 1980s and in about 15 local energy efficiency networks set up in Germany since 2002 have shown that the energy efficiency of the companies participating in such a network is two to three times higher than the German industrial average.

The secret of this success is a regular, chaired exchange of experiences among the energy managers of the participating companies, as well as computer-supported investment calculations for the consultant engineers.This manages to considerably reduce the transaction costs of the companies involved and, at the same time, increases the effectiveness and productivity of the advice offered.

The task of this project, which is being sponsored by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU), is to diffuse the existing know-how of this innovative climate policy instrument throughout the whole of Germany as quickly as possible. An existing network management system (LEEN: Learning Energy Efficiency Networks), which will continue to be developed during the project, guarantees a minimum standard for the networks’ structure and operation.

Project Management:
Fraunhofer Institut für System- und Innovationsforschung

Breslauer Straße 48
76139 Karlsruhe
Telefon    0721l6809-0

Project Partner:

  • Eproplan GmbH Beratende Ingenieure, Stuttgart
  • IREES GmbH, Karlsruhe
  • Modell Hohenlohe e. V., Pfedelbach
  • ÖKOTEC Energiemanagement GmbH, Berlin

Project Operation:
Modell Hohenlohe – Netzwerk betrieblicher Umweltschutz und nachhaltiges
Wirtschaften e. V.

Weststraße 37
74629 Pfedelbach
Telefon    07941l6463014

Ref. 24196