Becoming the leader in technology with less energy and lower emissions

flameless oxidation

Preisträger 2011

Weniger Energie und weniger Emissionen

The rapid rise in energy use worldwide, together with the increase in the emission of carbon dioxide, nitric oxide and particles, make saving energy and reducing emissions »issue number one« internationally. Major amounts of energy use, for example, can be attributed to the steel, glass, and chemical industries, whose work is particularly energy-intensive due to the high-temperature processes involved. The combustion technology of »flameless oxidation« – also known as FLOX – developed by the firm WS Wärmeprozesstechnik (WS Thermal Engineering) of Renningen can make an important contribution to energy savings and cleaner air in this field.

The FLOX-technology is distinctly superior in efficiency to the currently widely-used follow-up emission control procedure. Other manufacturers, too, have developed their own burners utilizing the Wünning Concept – the imitation trend makes clear how convincing this problem-solving approach is. It not only heralds major environmental relief in an entire industrial sector: the procedure has set a new worldwide standard.

For their achievements in the development of this new procedure, the Managing Directors of the firm WS Wärmeprozesstechnik, Dr.-Ing. (Doctor of Engineering) Joachim A. Wünning and Dr.-Ing. Joachim G. Wünning were awarded the 2011 German Environmental Prize (Deutscher Umweltpreis) of the DBU (Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt, German Federal Environmental Foundation).

Project Operation:
WS-Wärmeprozesstechnik GmbH

Dornierstr. 14
71272 Renningen
Telefon    07159|16320
Telefax    07159|2738

Ref. 20750