Environmental Talent School

Research as a breath of fresh air


Discovering one’s own talent for environmental work – committed students in the ninth grade and older can now do just that, in the so-called »Environmental Talent Schools« of the Fraunhofer Institute in Bremen, Freiburg and Oberhausen. In three-day workshops the young people address central issues such as biofuels, electric vehicles and solar energy through a project-oriented process.

In each workshop twelve students work together with
experts, in the context of modern research on protection of the environment, nature and the climate. The project is sponsored by the DBU as part of its funding priority work »Natural Sciences and Technical Environmental Education and Outreach« (»Naturwissenschaftlich-technische Umweltbildung und Kommunikation«).

Jugendliche beim Experimentieren

Immersion in the World of Research

In focus is a holistic, interdisciplinary approach to the conflicted relationship between environmental protection and societal needs. In the Environmental Talent Schools students are shown techniques with which Fraunhofer is developing state-of-the-art, healthy and environmentally friendly processes and products using applied research.

The use of technology for the protection of nature and the climate is to be considered by the students from different perspectives, including a life cycle assessment of that technology as a product. The goal of the workshops is to present a view of applied research methods in practice and to offer a glimpse into the world of Fraunhofer’s work.

Students can thus see first-hand the work of researchers in their element. Practical research in the institutes is complemented by interaction on the internet portal
»My Talent«.

Project Operation:
Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der angewandten Forschung e. V.

Frau Heike Koos
Hansastraße 27c
80686 München
Telefon    089|1205-2118

Ref. 28379