Solar Water Purification

With non- or not easily biodegradable substances, contaminated liquid effluents must often be elaborately chemically or physically pretreated.


Frequently used are Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOP’s) such as photochemical procedures by which pollutants are transformed into easily degradable substances with the assistance of UV radiation. AOP’s are highly effective, but are quite energy-intensive. The German Center for Air and Space Travel (Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt, DLR), together with the KACO new energy GmbH and the Hirschmann Laboratory Apparatus GmbH (Hirschmann Laborgeräte GmbH) has developed a solar reactor for the purification of problem effluents, and has tested it at the Lampoldhausen DLR site under practical conditions.

With the help of photocatalysers,  the innovative SOWARLA-technology can use even longwave solar rays for the UV-oxidation process. The centerpiece of the SOWARLA-technology is a solar receiver, that as a reactor is responsible for the photocatalytic breakdown of the water pollutants. Thanks to its modular construction the receiver can be easily adapted to the amount of water to be purified.


90 % Energy Savings

Compared to UV-oxidation, around 90 % savings in operational energy are possible, and the addition of chemical oxidants can be reduced or even avoided altogether. Beyond the purification of the coolant water, the breakdown of numerous effluent ingredients was tested.

Comparative studies indicate that the solar process can produce purification results equal to those from conventional procedures. A broad range of applications for the SOWARLA technology in the elimination of pollutants in process waste water, and other sources, can be expected.

Project Operation:
Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR)
Institut für Solarforschung
Solare Verfahrenstechnik

Linder Höhe
51147 Köln
Telefon    02203|601-2940

Ref. 21114