The Lippe Bad in Lünen

Indoor Pool with Passive House Technology

Luftbild Hallenbad

The Lippe Bad (baths or indoor pool) was opened in September 2011 as the first public indoor pool with Passive House construction. An evaluation process now underway will provide indications on efficiency aspects, and further optimization possibilities in the individual system areas. The data currently on record concerning the first constructed example show a pattern of consistency with the theoretical simulation results arrived at by the Passive House Institute (Passivhaus Institut).

Compared to the standard according to the energy-saving ordinance (Energieeinsparungverordnung, EnEV) a total of 51 % of final energy is saved through the Passive House concept. The savings in required heat amount to around 54 %, and those in required electricity 43 %. In real terms this means an approximate reduction of 200,000 Euros per year in operating costs.

Project Operation:
Bädergesellschaft Lünen mbH

Borker Straße 56–58
44534 Lünen
Telefon    02306|707-132                  
Telefax    02306|707-9132    

Ref. 26261, 27316