Dry Feed for Sustainable Aquaculture Farming

About 46 %, or almost half of world fish production comes from »Aquafarming«.

Fische im Netz

The animal feed utilized consists for the most part of fish meal and fish oil that is harvested almost exclusively from ocean fish. Due to starkly depleted natural fish stocks, fish meal and especially fish oil are limiting raw material components in the production of dry feed for sustainable Aquaculture production.

In the slaughter of fresh water fish, by-products amounting to between 10 and 50 % of the fish biomass accumulate. In cooperation with the Teichwirtschaft Lohsa GmbH and the Institute for Domestic Commercial Fishing e. V. (Institut für Binnenfischerei), the Institute for Agrarian and City Ecological Projects at the Humboldt University of Berlin (Institut für Agrar- und Stadtökologische Projekte an der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin) is investigating possibilities for manufacturing dry feed from preserved by-products of fresh water fish processing. In particular, ecological and economically viable methods of on-site packaging and storage of fish by-products, as well as further processing of the stored materials as sources of proteins and fat, are to be tested.

Trockenfutter als Endprodukt

Energy-saving Packaging and Storage

The project’s partners are experimenting with ensilage by means of chemical and biological processes, as a low-energy and cost-efficient method of packaging and storage. These attempts show that storage over a period of a number of months is possible, and that the products meet the legal microbiological requirements. The feasibility of the comprehensive process is being evaluated in a nationwide opinion sampling of representative businesses.

Project Operation:
Verein zur Förderung agrar- und stadt­ökologischer Projekte e. V.

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (IASP)
Philippstraße 13
10115 Berlin
Telefon    030|2093 6164

Cooperation Partner:
Institut für Binnenfischerei e. V. Potsdam-Sacrow (IfB)

Teichwirtschaft Lohsa GmbH

Ref. 28114