Learning and Experimentation Stations Soil and Climate

What does climate change have to do with the soil?


Young people can look into this question in the »Learning and Experimentation Station on Soil and Climate« of the Children and Youth Technology Center of Dortmund (K­i­nder- und Jugendtechnologiezentrum Dortmund, KITZ.do) The out-of-school learning area with its student laboratory, in the Fredenbaum Park in Dortmund, has expanded its offerings.

The »Fredenbaum/Big Teepee World of Experiences«, in cooperation with the Dortmund Youth Office (Jugendamt Dortmund) and through the support of the DBU – in connection with its project area Natural and Technical Sciences Environmental Education and Commu­nication – has been given a new outdoor learning station. See, smell, feel, hear – here are learning stations and experiments on the makeup, composition, pollution and formation of soils.

The soil stations are field trip destinations for school classes in connection with activities in the student laboratory of the KITZ.do. But they are also an attraction for other visitors to the Fredenbaum Park and the Fredenbaum World of Experiences with its »biggest Indian teepee on earth«. By choosing this location on Dortmund’s northside, new visitors can inform themselves.

In addition to exciting experiments, an adventure playground, animals and more are waiting to lure and intrigue new guests on the grounds. Each year the KITZ.do trains 8- to 12-year-olds as rangers for the research station in the Fredenbaum World of Experiences. As »multipliers«, they assist visitors to the outdoor station.

Project Operation:
s.i.d. Fördergesellschaft für Schule und Innovation gGmbH

Träger des Kinder- und Technologie­zentrums Dortmund (KITZ.do)
Rheinlanddamm 201
44139 Dortmund
Telefon    0231|28668-167

Ref. 27554