Energy-efficient malt production

In Germany two million tons of brewing malt are produced for the beer industry annually.

The process consists of the soaking, germinating and drying of specially-grown brewing barley. For the drying, great amounts of water must be turned to steam in a short time. To this end, in a very energy-intensive process (despite exhaust gas heat exchanger installation) heated air is blown through the grain layer. In order to create a more environmentally-friendly version of this process, Tivoli-Malz GmbH (part of the Global Malt Group) implemented a new energy concept in Hamburg.

BHKW +  Wärmepumpe

Heat pump and thermal power station

A heat pump with a capacity of 3.25 MW is sufficient for recapturing the heat contained in the air used for the drying. This heat is then channeled into the sucked-in outdoor air, that is, the fresh »drying air«, by means of the heat pump. Thus natural gas is saved which would otherwise be applied to the heating of the supply air. The electricity for the heat pump, and also for the operation, is supplied by a natural gas-driven thermal power station (2.000 kWel), the exhaust heat of which is also used in the heating of the drying supply air.

With an unchanged consumption of gas, the electricity purchase of the malthouse from the public power supply fell substantially through these measures, in fact by 12,500 MWh per year. These savings correspond to the annual consumption of over 3,000 single-family dwellings and represent an annual reduction in CO2 emissions of 6,300 tons annually.

Project Operation:
GlobalMalt – Hamburg
Tivoli Malz GmbH
Reichsbahnstraße 99
22525 Hamburg
Telefon    040|54002-228

Ref. 26766