Biological Diversity and Wilderness

Diversity of life-forms, but also diversity of lifestyles


Diversity of life-forms, but also diversity of lifestyles – from Benin and Brazil to Mongolia to the USA and Venezuela: nine »country cabins« in all will be available at the Falkenstein International Wilderness Camp in the Bavarian Forest National Park, in which one can experience simple lifestyles from various parts of the world. There is neither electricity nor running water, but each cabin, with objects and furniture from the regions, represents a small world in itself – creating an ideal location at which to launch the first International Youth Summit »Go4 BioDiv« in 2008.

»Go4BioDiv« – International Youth Summit

In 2008 in Bonn, the 9th Conference of International Signatory States of the Treaty on Biological Diversity took place. The Bavarian Forest National Park and the German Association for International Cooperation took this opportunity to initiate the International Youth Summit«Go4BioDiv«. With three tents from Siberia and Mongolia, 47 young people from around the world built an outdoor camp in Bonn. They took advantage of the presence of the inter­national conference and presented a declaration to important decision-makers.


From Germany to Japan to India

What began in 2008 in Germany was continued by the initiators in 2010 in Japan, and goes on in 2012 in India. Parallel to the CBD-COP 11 in India, a youth forum will once again take place in 2012 under the motto »Conserving coastal and marine biodiversity for sustaining life and livelihoods«. The committed Go4BioDiv participants are following their goal with commitment – preservation of biological diversity and a just distribution of natural resources.

Project Operation:
Nationalparkverwaltung Bayerischer Wald

Freyunger Straße 2
94481 Grafenau
Telefon    08552|9600-0
Telefax    08552|9600-100

Cooperation Partner:
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GiZ) GmbH

Ref. 23460/26474