»Climate Caves« with Environmental Ambassadors Who Deliver the »Bear« Facts

Animals appeal to our sympathy and zoos can use this capability in communicating about environmental issues.


The Osnabrück Zoo wishes to use its fascinating residents to convince its guests, both young and old, of the need for climate- and species protection. The zoo is pursuing this concept with its »Energy-saving Zoo«, with the »Underground Zoo«, and currently with the interactive exhibit »Climate Caves«.


Hybrid bears appeal for climate protection

The hybrid bears Tips and Taps are the featured attraction of the »climate caves«. Their father is a polar bear, their mother a brown bear. They resulted from the practice, once common, of mixed bear husbandry. In 2006 researchers were able to prove conclusively that such crossbred bears live in the wild in Canada. It is posited that this occurrence could become more frequent due to climate change. The »climate caves« offer a many-faceted view into the lives of the two bears and into the phenomenon climate change.

In the approximately 250 square meter exhibit, the visitors become participants too. For example, a carbon dioxide scale enables them to find out the impact of their personal lifestyles on the climate. A three-dimensional landscape model shows the climate protection projects already underway in the region, and the energy saving measures implemented at the zoo.

Project Operation:
Zoogesellschaft Osnabrück e. V.

Am Waldzoo 2/3
49082 Osnabrück
Telefon    0541|95105-0
Telefax    0541|95105-22

Ref. 29169