Optical Online Process Analysis

The application of optical methods in process analysis


The application of optical methods in process analysis was difficult or impossible in the past, as the manual cleaning of the metrology equipment must be meticulously carried out and the production process had to be interrupted to carry out the cleaning procedure. For that reason J&M Analytik AG set itself a goal in one of its research projects: to develop a dependable, self-cleaning, and contamination-proof optical  online process analysis procedure for manufacturing processes in the chemistry, pharmaceutical, biopharmaceutical, foodstuffs and cosmetics industries.


Lighthouse Probe

The result is an innovative probe technology which guarantees complete and dependable automation for optical methods in process analysis. What is special about the Lighthouse Probe is the in-process cleansing and calibration of the measurement window, which does not require that the production process –as previously –be interrupted: if the observation window is dirty, the measurement probe is removed from the measuring containers by means of a pneumatic drive, cleansed, and recalibrated if necessary.

The analyzed media and samples contained liquids, solids and suspensions. The probe was successfully deployed in the supervision of the following processes: crystallization, determination of the coating thickness during the pharmaceutical coating process, supervision of continuous powder mixing, total-containment operations with powders, yeast fermentation, and cleansing supervision of pharmaceutical plants.

Project Operation:
J & M Analytik AG

Willy-Messerschmitt-Straße 8
73457 Essingen
Telefon    07361|9281-0
Telefax    07361|9281-12

Ref. 25304