Concepts for Historic Buildings

Optimized energy supply in historic buildings

Alte Fassade

For an optimized energy supply in historic buildings, the challenge is to maintain the original building material visually and substantially, and simultaneously to reduce the energy consumption and improve the comfort factor. With the project »Monument and Energy« the Institute for Structural Design at the Technical University of Dresden and the DBU, together with partners in the profession, are developing innovative problem-solving approaches. As examples, two showpieces demonstrate the practical implementation of the project.

Mittelschule Ehrenfriedersdorf

Schillerpark Residences, Berlin

The structures of the Schillerpark Residences in the Wedding area of Berlin are listed as UNESCO World Cultural Heritage locations and are the work of Hans Hoffman and Bruno and Max Taut. Under the project auspices, a renovation concept for one of the Hoffman houses was developed.

A special focus here was put on the so-called »flower windows« – a storey-high, walkable double-glazing. The double windows include a new ventilation concept: the supply air is directed through the space between the windows and warmed by the incoming sunlight, so that it combines heating comfort with the necessary ventilation.

Hoffmannsches Wohnhaus

Ehrenfriedersdorf Middle School, Saxony

At the Middle School in Ehrenfriedersdorf in the Erzgebirge mountain region, an innovative geothermal concept was implemented: near the building are flooded tunnels formerly used in mining. The 10 °C warm water in the tunnels, in combination with an electrically-powered heat pump, delivers the building heat for the school. In addition, the heating requirements of the school building were substantially reduced through an interior insulation made from capillary-active material, and the installation of new windows.

Project Operation:
Technische Universität Dresden

Institut für Baukonstruktion
George-Bähr-Straße 1
01062 Dresden
Telefon    0351|463-34845

Ref. 22814/26232