Emission-free Metallization of Synthetics with ePDTM

Synthetic and plastic components with metallized surfaces


Synthetic and plastic components with metallized surfaces are nearly everywhere – for example, as chrome parts in automobiles, in kitchens or bathroom fixtures. Besides traditional processes, in which environmentally harmful chrome derivatives and nickel are among the substances utilized, the Physical Vapor Deposition (PVD) technology offers a further, low-emission and energy-efficient option for the metallization of synthetic surfaces.

PVD is the term for a vacuum-based coating process, in which coating material is transferred to the substrate by means of the plasma phase. In the automobile industry PVD is already being used for interior parts such as airbag emblems. At present Oerlikon Balzers in Stetten a. k. M. is in the process of making the PVD process feasible for the first time in the exacting automobile exterior field as well.

ePD-Technik in der Anwendung

Combination of environmentally-friendly processes

The new process technique, called ePD™ (embedded PVD-Design), is a combination of lacquer- and PVD-coating technologies. At first a special finish is applied to synthetic parts, followed by an extremely thin PVD metal layer. Finally the metallized part is given a protective top-coating. The application of problematic heavy metal compounds is completely eliminated with PVD.

There are no resulting environmentally harmful exhaust fumes, liquid effluents nor solid waste. The process meets the EU-REACH-Ordinance  standards. Furthermore Oerlikon Balzers employs for the finishing of the component parts a low-solvent, UV-hardening coating system and thus combines two environmentally-friendly processes. For 2013 the start-up of the first high-volume system for an automotive supplier is planned, in order to serve various OEM’s.

Project Operation:
Oerlikon Balzers Hartec GmbH

Schmeienstraße 51
72510 Stetten a. k. M.
Telefon    07573|9514-0

Ref. 28006