Ecological Assessment of Chemical Syntheses

Development of new chemicals or new chemical processes

Chemie mit Computer

In the development of new chemicals or new chemical processes, synthesis planning is the decisive phase in which crucial improvements as regards a sustainable procedure may be realized. At this early stage there is still substantial flexibility allowing the introduction of environmentally-friendly substances or the choice of energy-efficient procedural steps. Until now, however, there was a lack of appropriate instruments for measuring environmental and sustainability aspects at this developmental stage.

Chemie Maus

Software combines economy and ecology

Together with two cooperating partners – the University of Applied Sciences in Emden and the Confederated Technical College of Zürich – the ifu Institute for Environmental Information Science of Hamburg GmbH is developing a fast and simple-to-use software support system for chemists and process engineers, with which chemicals and chemical processes may be ecologically assessed.

The new software will make it possible in the early synthesis planning phase, as well as during product development or in processes already in existence, to quantify the environmental effects and also the costs to be expected. In this way, the software solution combines as a »third way« ecology and economy, because increased material- or energy-efficiency leads to relief for the environment – and budgets as well – through reduced usage and falling pollution emission levels. Thus environmental protection forms the foundation for competitive advantage and future viability.

Project Operation:
ifu Institut für Umweltinformatik

Hamburg GmbH
Max-Brauer-Allee 50
22765 Hamburg
Telefon    040|480009-900

Cooperation Partner:

Ref. 25070