Environmentally-friendly cleaning of barges

The inappropriate use of cleaning chemicals in inland navigation can substantially threaten water quality.


The H. Lohmann company of Haren has developed a system with the goal of reducing the use of cleansers on ships. With a special environmentally-friendly ship-washing system, employees of cleaning contractors and barge workers, as well as student trainees, are to be given an appropriate professional tool. In order to assist in the system’s practical application, there will also be a newly-conceived washing inspection book.

The recently-developed dosing system replaces the 10-liter detergent containers with small bottles. The use of detergents and cleansers has been thus reduced by up to 77 %. The ship-washing process, developed as a returnable deposit container system, also reduces the amount of waste produced in comparison to standard cleaning product containers.

neues Dosiersystem

Training and Qualification

With direct on-board training and trainee programs, those involved will be schooled in the environmentally-compatible use of detergents and cleansers in inland navigation. It has been shown that the trial use of returnable small containers for cleaning chemicals, combined with onsite guidance and the qualification process for new employees and other workers, encourages environmentally-friendly behavior in inland navigation. The reduction of detergent use contributes to the improvement of water quality and preserves valuable natural resources.

Project Operation:
H. Lohmann Schiff- und Industriebedarf e. K.

Zeppelinstr. 3–6
49733 Haren/Ems
Telefon     05932|7347-0

Cooperation Partner:
Universität Duisburg-Essen, ZWU
Imperial Reedereigruppe, Duisburg
Schifferberufskolleg Rhein, Duisburg
Schulschiff Rhein, Duisburg
Berufsbildende Schulen in Schönebeck

Ref. 27860