Resource-Saving Construction with Recycled Concrete

30 % of global CO2 emissions and 40 % of global consumption of natural resources can be attributed to the construction sector.

Wohnungsgebäude aus recyceltem Beton in Ludwigshafen

By using recycled (RC) concrete, resources of natural stone may be preserved and – through the shorter transport distances involved – carbon dioxide exhaust in particular can be reduced. Concrete normally consists of gravel, sand, binder materials and water. The quarrying of natural stone and gravel involves an enormous interference in eco- and water systems, and in the living habitats of animals and plants. RC concrete, in contrast, contains processed construction waste. Gravel or natural stone fragments are replaced by RC stone granulate. In this manner natural stone resources are saved.

Bausstelle Wohngebäudes aus recyceltem Beton in Ludwigshafen

»Lighthouse« Project in Ludwigshafen

In order to encourage the use of RC concrete particularly in multi-story building construction, the DBU supported a stimulative project: the participating project partners developed a concept for the manufacture of the needed aggregates in the construction waste processing system of Scherer & Kohl GmbH & Co. KG. This created the basis for the testing of appropriate concrete recipes by the cooperating partner, TBS Transportbeton Service GmbH. The project’s second phase focused on the erecting of a multi-story residential building in Ludwigshafen. Scientific monitoring and support was provided by BTU Cottbus, Fachgebiet Bauliches Recycling and the IFEU Institute of Heidelberg GmbH.

In Ludwigshafen the special advantages of RC concrete made an important difference, since both the concrete manufacturer and the construction waste processing site were located in the city. Through the savings in transport routes, cost advantages over conventional concrete were realized.

Project Operation:
ifeu-Institut für Energie- und Umweltforschung Heidelberg GmbH

Wilckensstraße 3
69120 Heidelberg
Telefon    +49 6221 4767-26

Cooperation Partner:
Scherer & Kohl GmbH & Co. KG,

TBS Transportbeton Service GmbH, Mannheim

Brandenburgische Technische Universität (BTU) Cottbus, Lehrstuhl Altlasten, Fachgebiet Bauliches Recycling, Cottbus

Ref. 26101