Commercial buildings with »Passive House« construction

While the Passive House Criteria for residential structures are relatively clear, the standards for non-residential buildings are less simple to understand.

Geschäftsgebäude in Passivhausbauweise

Energy consumption levels for air-conditioning and lighting are, in terms of use, often much higher than in residential buildings, such that in passive house commercial buildings, the building technology has a decisive impact on the attainment of the passive house standards.

Thermografieaufnahme der Ostseite des Gebäudes

Object under examination in Bautzen

In order to gain experience with passive house construction in non-residential buildings, the »building behavior« of a newly-erected commercial structure in Bautzen/Sachsen was metrologically monitored and evaluated over a period of two years by the University of Applied Sciences at Zittau/Görlitz (Hochschule Zittau/Görlitz). The project resulted in:

  • optimization of the operation of the building technology based on the special circumstances of a commercial building
  • execution of an evaluation for economic efficiency
  • development of planning aids for passive house commercial properties.

The building’s heating, by means of a geothermal probe heat pump with combined direct cooling in summer, has met expectations. 

Due to the electricity consumption for lighting, a maximum primary energy figure of 120 kWh/m2a was not attained. But with a value of 160 kWh/m2a, the property thus falls into a category which can be regarded as good for this type of building.

The University’s representatives have therefore proposed that Passive House Criteria for non-residential buildings be defined not generally, but rather based on the respective usage.

Project Operation:
Hochschule Zittau/Görlitz

Fachbereich Bauwesen
Theodor-Körner-Allee 16
02763 Zittau
Telefon    +49 3583 61 1632

Ref. 26691