»Grow-along« commercial structures made of wood

The increased use of wood

abbaubare Innen- und Außenwände

The increased use of wood, now being seen in the primary construction of commercial buildings too, makes an important contribution toward improving the ecological and sustainability value of commercial buildings. A model example of this is the new construction of a production building in the town of Landsberg am Lech, where a »grow-along« wood structure is rising.

In the construction of workshops for the handicapped in connection with the non-profit organization IWL gGmbH, a largely prefabricated building envelope with built-in windows is being used to guarantee high quality. The plans for the new building are characterized, in particular, by stable, non-destructively demountable inner- and outer walls, which (in case of subsequent expansion) can be flexibly relocated according to need, and can continue in use.

In addition, an optimized insulation standard is being applied, which can be further developed to the »plus energy« standard in combination with a photovoltaic system and a wood boiler for production waste. For the production location, which in some parts uses minimal heating, an EnEV standard of minus 27 % is being aimed for. The deployment of energy-saving lighting technology is also planned. In addition to large roof windows, a special LED technology is to help provide sufficient light. The innovative wood-construction style of the operational facilities represents a pioneering example for future commercial structures.

Project Operation:

Werkstätten für behinderte Menschen gGmbH
Rudolf-Diesel-Straße 1
86899 Landsberg am Lech
Telefon     +49 8191 92 41 0 

Ref. 29965