Making new from old: bauteilnetz Deutschland

The energy efficiency of buildings is often measured by their heating requirements.

bauteilnetz Deutschland

However, for sustainable construction the raw materials used, but also the energy expended in building, play important roles. The bauteilnetz Deutschland, initiated by the Forschungsvereinigung Recycling und Wertstoffverwertung im Bauwesen e. V, RWB in Bremen, begins at exactly this point. In its qualification- and communications project, bauteilnetz Deutschland addresses targeted demolition methods, the reuse and further use of previously used building materials and the planning of buildings for deconstruction capability.

A central element in the bauteilnetz Deutschland is represented by the building material markets. There, building materials in good condition such as windows, stairs, heating units or roof tiles are offered and sold. In connection with the building materials markets, the comprehensive environmental communications concept - with workshops for various target groups - is an additional important factor toward sustainable development. Thus the bauteilnetz Deutschland qualifies long-term unemployed persons, for example, for employment in the construction and storage industries, and organizes special advanced training for planners, architects, artisans and tradespersons, and demolition companies. It also installs model construction works made from used materials in different parts of Germany, partly in cooperation with students in various related disciplines.

Project Operation:
Forschungsvereinigung Recycling und Wertstoffverwertung im Bauwesen e. V. (RWB),
Paul-Feller-Str. 1
28199 Bremen

Ref. 28641