Energy Transition: Training and Education

Mastering the energy transition through knowledge

Ausbildung Energiewende © lassedesignen –

The energy transition can only be successfully mastered when the necessary knowledge and the corresponding (professional) competencies are available and at our disposal. Professional education and training play an important part in this connection: future specialists can learn early, during their training, how to implement changes in their daily work surroundings. Toward that end the Saxon Education Company for Environmental Protection and Chemical Occupations Dresden ltd. (»Sächsische Bildungsgesellschaft für Umweltschutz und Chemieberufe Dresden«, SBG) is developing, for trainees in the natural sciences and environmental technology professions, a modular learning program with the focus »energy efficiency«.

Lehrunterweisung am Ausbildungsmodell © SBG

This learning program was developed jointly with expert specialists in cooperating companies and institutions, primarily small and mid-sized firms. The trainees acquire fundamental theoretical knowledge, on the basis of which they can carry out a project in their company or institution for the improvement of energy efficiency. At the same time they are motivated to save energy in their personal environments as well through, for example, installation of more energy-efficient heating valves. The personal and professional competencies and abilities gained in this manner enable the trainees to take an active part in encouraging the efficient use of energy.

The concept is being tested with trainees from cooperating establishments– from personnel in chemical laboratories to specialists for recycling and waste management. Following the initial test phase the offer is to be published in the learning environment of the ChemNet Project (

Project Operation:
Sächsische Bildungsgesellschaft für Umweltschutz und Chemieberufe Dresden mbH (SBG)

Frau Uta Lichtenstein
Gutenbergstraße 6
01307 Dresden
Telefon:    0351 | 4445-60
Telefax:    0351 | 4445-612

Ref. 29707