Sunlight is Life – Elementary School Students Become Energy Experts

The goals of the energy transition can only be achieved through broad-based cooperation.

Sonne ist Leben – Grundschüler werden zu Energieexperten

For that reason it is important for young people to know which alternatives to fossil fuels and nuclear energy exist, and how the energy which is available to us can be used more effi­ciently. In order to involve elementary school students early in these future-related issues, the VRD Foundation for Renewable Energy (»VRD Stiftung für Erneuerbare Energien«) is carrying out the environmental education project »Sunlight is Life« (»Sonne ist Leben«) together with the University of Education (»Pädagogische Hochschule«, PH) of Heidelberg. The students are intended to learn to critically examine their own behavior and consumer patterns in the use of energy, and to consciously adapt their own actions.

Fortbildungen mit Grundschulpädagogen

In an initial training program, elementary school teachers will receive instruction in the subjects renewable energy, energy efficiency, and climate change. With this foundation they are to develop, under subject-specific didactic tutelage, plans for application of the material in their lessons, and then test the plans in practice. In the »energy lessons« thus created, students in participating elementary schools will be trained as »young experts« in the field of renewable energy sources. As »Student Mentors« they will subsequently pass their knowledge along to younger children, whereby they may themselves receive support from students in the secondary school level, who are to function as exemplary models.

In order to evaluate the training program, the project will take place under observation in accompanying academic/scientific research. Toward that end, the PH Heidelberg is developing instruments of evaluation for assessing the competence of elementary school students in the subject field »renewable energy«.

Project Operation:
VRD Stiftung für Erneuerbare Energien

Im Breitspiel 21
69126 Heidelberg
Telefon:    06221 | 399-3050

Cooperation Partner:
Pädagogische Hochschule Heidelberg

Interdisziplinäres Institut für Naturwissenschaften, Technik, Gesellschaft (NTG), Heidelberg

Ref. 31749