Better biological cleaning in waste water treatment plants

Microorganisms are located in the growth areas adapted to their individual needs

Trägermaterial für nitrifizierende Bakterien
Etablierung der mit Mikroorganismen bewachsenen Biofilmträger – zunächst im Labor.

The procedures in water treatment plants must meet strictly controlled legal requirements. In this connection microorganisms serve to break down carbon compounds and nitrogen compounds contained in the water. Through the use of certain »growth bodies« in the activation basin it may be possible to optimize the growth of microorganisms – that is the aim of an innovative research development project by TuTech-Innovation GmbH (Hamburg) and the Technical University of Hamburg-Harburg (Technische Universität Hamburg-Harburg).

Better performance through spatial separation

The solutional approach being researched in the project is based on the concept of allocating the microorganisms, through special growth bodies within the activation basin, to individual growth areas adapted to their individual needs: Light support materials for the rapidly growing, heterotrophic organisms are to be placed in the upper part of the basin. The heavier growth bodies for the nitrifiers, on the other hand, are to be positioned in wire baskets on the basin floor, directly above the aeration system.

Should this effort be successful, higher-capacity cleaning performance may be achievable through this new “two-in-one system”, which could lead to smaller dimensions of the activation basins in such facilities. Further environmental advantages of the new procedure may include:

  • reduced energy requirements through reduced blower- and agitator use
  • generally improved nitrogen elimination
  • good decomposition performance throughout the entire year
  • separate optimization of heterotrophs and nitrifiers

Project operation
TuTech Innovation GmbH
Harburger Schloßstraße 6-12
21079 Hamburg
Telefon: 040 76629-0

Cooperation partner
Technische Universität Hamburg-Harburg