Children explorer on the trail of science and technology

Environmental education at an extracurricular learning facility

Experiment © HELLEUM
Kleine Entdecker auf den Spuren von Wissenschaft und Technik
Kinder forschen © HELLEUM
Kinder und Lernbegleiterin im Dialog beim Forschen zum Thema Boden
Lernstation © HELLEUM
Lernumgebung "Wind bringt's"
Kinder experimentieren © HELLEUM
Experimentieren mit dem Sonnenofen im Workshop "Sonne satt"

How can light be made from wind? What treasures are hidden in the soil? Children often ask how the world functions in a quite intuitive manner. Against this back-ground, the Alice Salomon University of Applied Sciences has joined with the HELLEUM Center for Child Research in Berlin’s Marzahn-Hellersdorf district to develop innovative offerings in scientific and technical environmental education.

In a »learning workshop« designed according to state-of-the-art pedagogical findings, children can research, experiment and investigate independently. As an extracurricular learning facility HELLEUM makes a contribution to the goal of awakening the interest of very young people in the environment and environmental technology, and encouraging corresponding aptitudes at an early age.

The core of HELLEUM is a flexibly furnished learning workshop equipped with a wide range of research materials. In a prepared learning environment, the young explorers there may independently test, observe and document, and thereby gain new insights. Based on their individual interests, knowledge and needs, they are able to develop their own perspectives on sustainability issues. The various stations are directed to all learning types in equal measure and thus enable each child to create a personal connection to the subjects on offer.

Project operation
Kinderforscherzentrum HELLEUM
Kastanienallee 59
12627 Berlin
Telefon: 30 | 91148867