Protecting and preserving stone plaster and fine plaster

Improved solutions for the repair of flaws as well as the backfilling of gaps and cracks

Steinputz © Lilli Birresborn, FH Potsdam
Historische Putzproben - Tafeln des Herstellers „Dolomitin“ in Kratzputztechnik
Sehen Sie selbst... © Prof. Dr. Steffen Laue
Dünnschliffmikroskopie einer Putzprobe: Gefüge aus hellrotem und dunkelrotem (oben) Putz

Stone- and fine plasters are characteristic of a variety of construction types from the early 20th Century. In order to improve established solutions for the repair of flaws, the backfilling of gaps and cracks, but also for the removal of manmade environmentally-induced damaging salts such as gypsum, the Institut für Bauforschung und Bauerhaltung (IBB) of the University of Applied Sciences of Potsdam conducted fundamental investigations on conservation- and remediation technologies. The IBB was supported in this undertaking by numerous cooperating partners, among them the firm Winfried Brenne Architects of Berlin.

The following measures and conservation technologies were tested:

  • Cleaning by means of various particle stream blasting-, aqueous- and chemical methods
  • Removal of coatings
  • Backfilling of peeling plaster
  • Reconstruction of fine- and stone plasters

As a result of analysis of the existing plaster it was possible to successfully create a new mixture of fine- and stone plaster under laboratory conditions. Laboratory and field attempts at surface cleaning and the removal of coatings, however, yielded no generally applicable answer. The experiment’s results nonetheless offer valuable experience toward the identification of individual solutions. Since 77 % of all newly-plastered structures in Germany between 1925 and 1930 were finished with fine plaster, the findings are highly relevant.

Project operation
Fachhochschule Potsdam, Institut für Bauforschung und Bauerhaltung
Pappelallee 8 ‑ 9
14469 Potsdam