Materials certificate for buildings

The growing consumption and increasing diversity of materials, and greater complexity of substances and materials used in construction products present obstacles to the retrieval and separation of building materials.

Materials certificate for buildings © TU München
Cored Building

The Lehrstuhl für Holzbau und Baukonstruktion and the Holzforschung München at the Technische Universität München currently develop the »Building Materials Certificate«: intended to inventory the composition of materials and substances in new structures and existing buildings, and thus contribute to the future development of more sustainable and environmentally friendly construction processes.

Resource efficiency and material flow management

At the beginning of a project in particular, the materials certificate can illustrate how resources and materials can be used efficiently and how material flow management can be implemented in the building life cycle. The certificate is being developed and evaluated based on projects at the real estate firm Bayerische Hausbau GmbH & Co. KG (Munich). Further possibilities for
implementation of the materials certificate are:

• Environmental controlling
• Basic data for the carbon- and/or environmental footprint of a product or corporation
• Basic information for integrated product policy
• Implementation in building sustainability certification

With the materials certificate, project planners and developers – but also investors, buyers, renters, building owners and political decision-makers – will have the opportunity to integrate into their decision processes not only economic considerations, but also criteria regarding resource efficiency and sustainability.

Project operation:
Technische Universität München
Lehrstuhl für Holzbau und Baukonstruktion
in Kooperation mit der Holzforschung München
Arcisstraße 21
80333 München
Telefon: 089 | 289 22416;

Cooperation partner:
Bayerische Hausbau

AZ 31077