New hybrid lacquer-coating technology

Positive qualities of solventbased alkyd resin varnishes combined with the scratch resistance, non-yellowing nature and environmental compatibility of water-based varnishes.

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Developed a water-thinnable alternative to solvent-based alkyd resin paints: The paint manufacturer J. W. Ostendorf GmbH & Co. KG in Coesfeld

Solvent-based alkyd resin varnishes continue to be in wide market use. However, they are harmful to the environment and human health due to the volatile organic compounds (VOC), heavy-metal drying catalysts, and antioxidants which they contain. In a current project, the paint manufacturer J. W. Ostendorf GmbH & Co. KG, of Coesfeld, has developed for this product category a water-dilutable alternative which is now available. It combines the positive qualities of solventbased alkyd resin varnishes, such as their outstanding processability on large surfaces, with the scratch resistance, non-yellowing nature and environmental compatibility of water-based varnishes. 

»Open innovation« process 

In order to attain the desired characteristics profile, a new binding agent was developed in cooperation with raw materials suppliers in an »open innovation« process. The result is a new type of hybrid technology, which unites all known advantages of binding agents. The development- and testing laboratory Holztechnologie GmbH (EPH), of Dresden, tested the final formula in comparison with established solvent-based market products. The tests showed: in the product characteristics color stability, gradient, and open time, results which were at least equal, and in some cases better than those produced by the solvent-based products, were achieved.

The new coating system has been on the market since the fall of 2013 under the brand name »Ultra-Color« and received the highest rating from the expert juries of two do-it-yourself magazines. In an independent end-consumer product test, 96 % of the participants graded the Ultra-Color coating from »good« to »very good«.

Project implementation:
J. W. Ostendorf GmbH & Co. KG
Rottkamp 2
48653 Coesfeld
Telefon:   02541 | 744-0

AZ 29574