Plastic recycling with laser technology

Precise and high-speed sorting with laser spectroscopy separates even so far difficult to separate synthetics, e.g. black materials.

See for yourself... © Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt
All PET or not? Spectral analysis provides information.

Of the approximately 4.8 million tons of plastic waste which accumulate in Germany annually, about one-third is mechanically recycled. This does not apply, however, for black plastic. These types cannot yet be sorted satisfactorily and are primarily used to produce energy. For successful and efficient recycling, secure material identification of the recycling materials is essential.

The innovative analysis technology from UNISENSOR Sensor Systems GmbH (Karlsruhe) opens up completely new possibilities for the recycling of plastics, and enables the sustainable recovery of important raw materials. A sorting system based on laser spectroscopy separates even synthetics which were previously not separable with the greatest precision and speed. The plastics are ground into flakes, analyzed in the newly-developed Powersort system through laser spectroscopy, and are sorted using special compressed air nozzles. In this manner both black and dark plastics can be distinctly identified based on their »physical fingerprint« – that is, their optical spectrum – and sorted by type. The company UNISENSOR under its founder and recipient of the German Environmental Prize, Prof. Dr. Gunther Krieg, develops process analysis systems and is a leading technological innovator in many areas with its products worldwide. UNISENSOR has already been successful in establishing laser spectroscopy as a sorting process for the recycling of PET bottles. This innovative recycling process is more energy- and resource-efficient than the manufacture of bottles from new PET and makes a major contribution to climate protection. For each ton of recycled PET, around three tons of greenhouses gases can be avoided.

Project implementation:

Unisensor Sensorsysteme GmbH
Am Sandfeld 11
76149 Karlsruhe/Germany
Telefon:    0721 | 97884-0
Telefax:    0721 | 97884-44

AZ 25507/30916