Environmental protection for wind turbines

Collection of spilled gearbox oil in order to avoid spread into the environment.

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Mounting the OSC protection system

In most modern wind turbines a gearbox is located between the rotor shaft and the generator. This gearbox is filled with 300 to 800 liters of oil. Since all technical elements of a wind turbine are subject to strong  mechanical stress, regular damage occurs leading  to the uncontrolled leakage of oil. The oil is spilled inside the nacelle, and comes through a space between the nacelle and tower into the open air. It runs down the outside of the tower, is blown off by the wind and dispersed in the surrounding area. This produces  environmental damage within a radius of up to 350 meters.

In order to prevent environmental damage caused by leaked oil from the operating technology of wind  turbines, the OSC »collect and secure« system is mounted on the outside of the tower below the nacelle. The system can be used with any wind turbine facility, regardless of the design or the form of the tower, and is individually applicable without any changes to the existing structure.

Project implementation:
Rotor Rope GmbH
Ulrich Jacobs
Weidenweg 4
23743 Grömitz
04562 | 22 58 73

AZ 30740