Eating Anthropocene

Do we have the right recipes for the future? - Around the world in ten dishes

See for yourself... © Sylvain Mazas
Main character "Phosphor" by Sylvain Mazas

Science meets comics. Twelve illustrators from  different  cultural backgrounds take readers on a  culinary journey through the continents, providing fascinating insights into a multitude of eating habits and food cultures from around the world. With its subjectively told and individually illustrated stories, this comic not only unveils human beings' varied use and management of available resources, it also sheds light on the effects of this approach on global material flows. Phosphorus plays a central role in this context due to its paramount importance for all living things. Both the content and design of the comic are influenced by the advent of a new geological epoch – the Anthropocene, the Age of Man. Human activities across the globe are leaving increasing marks on the planet that will change it forever. The kitchen, especially, is a place where these correlations become evident on a personal scale. Indeed, just like the individuals depicted in this book, each one of us is a user and thus a sponsor of diverse production chains: in turn, each one of us has the opportunity to influence the world we live in.

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Project implementation:

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Exzellenzcluster Bild Wissen Gestaltung
Deborah Zehnder
Unter den Linden 6
10099 Berlin
030 | 2093-66256

AZ 32782