Saving energy through efficient pump operation

Self-optimizing regulation allows energy savings of 50% or more.

See for yourself... © DBU-Projektpartner
The combination of pump-side embedded hardware with a smartphone app for design and commissioning minimizes the usage hurdle of efficient, controlled pumps.

Very often pumps operate inefficiently, even after all of the changes made in the interest of sustainability and efficiency in today’s modern industry. The energy savings potential of pumps often remains only theoretical, because operators avoid spending the money and making the effort required for custom adaptation of the pump control system to its specific purpose. An increased level of energy consumption is too often accepted in the interest of a simple set-up. In the European Union, pumps account for more than 20 % of electrical energy consumption. In Germany alone, the amount of energy used in this manner for pumps comes to approximately 80 TWh per year. Energy savings of 50 % or more are possible when the commonly-used throttle and bypass controls are replaced with more efficient solutions. It is estimated that this could lead to a reduction in CO2 emissions of 20 megatons annually.

Project implementation:
Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Fakultät für Maschinenbau
Lehrstuhl für Regelungstechnik und
Prof. Dr. Martin Mönningmann
Universitätsstr. 150
44801 Bochum
0234 | 3224060

Cooperation partner:
Dr. Heiner Kösters
Lindenstraße 170
25524 Itzehoe

AZ 29723