Biodiversity at camping sites

Action days, experience nature offers, themed gardens, information boards and learning paths sensitise camping guests to the subject of species conservation.

See for yourself © Kerstin Bittner
Nesting boxes can increase biological diversity.

For many campers, an intact natural surrounding is just as important as good hygienic facilities or friendly employees. Many campsite businesses are already  actively involved in environmental- and nature protection. However, with the exception of a few individual and isolated activities, support for biodiversity has never been an established national priority. But the subject has great potential – both in terms of the design of camping facilities and also the raising of awareness among camping businesses, their employees and partners, and their guests.

This is where the organization ECOCAMPING e. V. and the Global Nature Fund (GNF) come in: their DBU- supported project »Biodiversity at Camping Sites in  Germany« has as its goal the enhancement of biological diversity at camping sites through the training of owners, leaseholders, employees and partner organizations, individual consultation, network building and public relations, and the creation of new natural habitats at camping sites. Camping site guests are involved as well: informational »Action Days«, »Experience Nature« offers, themed gardens, instructional signs and learning paths are planned to raise awareness of the issues surrounding species protection.

Official UN Decade Project

In this manner the participating camping sites become multipliers for public education regarding sustainable development, and commit themselves to embedding the subject of »Biological Diversity« in the camping business, and making it an important element in related
 tourism offers. For this commitment, the project »Biodiversity at Camping Sites« was accepted for the action platform »Enterprise Biological Diversity 2020« and recognized as an official project of the UN Decade »Biological Diversity«.

Project implementation:
Gustav-Schwab-Str. 14g
78462 Konstanz
Telefon: 07531 | 28257-0

Cooperation partner:
Global Nature Fund, Radolfzell

AZ 31920