Learning experience: Energy transition

The energy transition: Highly complicated, but communicable - and even entertaining!

See for yourself... © F.S. Infotainment
Entertaining live communication.

The DBU-supported information- and education event from the agency F. S. Infotainment of Mülheim imparts to schoolchildren in grades 5 -10 a vision of the energy transition. It demonstrates how up to 80 % of Germany’s energy requirements can be supplied by renewable energy sources by the year 2050. The holistic approach is methodically and didactically sophisticated and, thanks to its interactive, modular and media-supported composition, ideal for children, adolescents and families. The project is primarily oriented to use in schools, but can also be used in extracurricular activities.

Content of the project »Learning Experience: Energy Transition« includes on-location decentralized energy production and generation of electricity, cogeneration units, biomass, offshore wind turbines, and wind- and hydropower. The building block system provides the opportunity to constantly take into account new findings and current developments related to the energy transition process. All materials are designed for mobile use and for groups of up to 300 schoolchildren.

Project implementation:

F. S. Infotainment
Friedhelm Susok
Hermannstr. 73
45479 Mülheim
Telefon: 0208 | 420534
Telefax: 0208 | 4127025

AZ 31881