Kindergarten and energy transition

Energy transition is one of the major tasks for the future and should be addressed in early education.

See yourself.... ©
In the "energy garden" particularly energy-rich plants are planted.

One of the greatest tasks facing society is energy transition. Educational institutions, too, must address this task. Energy is increasingly addressed as an educational subject in kintergarten. This raises children’s awareness of crucial insights which are decisive in the shaping of a responsible future. Since kindergarten personnel, parents and cooperating partners exchange information, the work is also carried into the community. 

The project Kindergarten and Energy Transition (»Kindertagesstätten und Energiewende – KIEN«) of the Leuphana University of Lüneburg and the University of Applied Sciences of Weihenstephan-Triesdorf demonstrates how, through cooperation between daycare centers and communities, energy transition can be supported. 

In each of five communities in Northern Germany and five in Bavaria, one kindergarten respectively is involved, with children, kindergarten personnel, housekeeping personnel, parents, and participants from politics and administration. Institutions and persons are addressed who have something to do with energy. Issues are taken up which are of significance for the respective communities and have practical effects at the local level in terms of sustainable development. Through this project children are made aware of energy matters, kindergarten personnel receive consultation and support, and parents are given access to information. Concurrently, this cooperation provides impulses for local energy policy and practice.

Project implementation:
Leuphana Universität Lüneburg
Prof. Dr. Ute Stoltenberg
Fakultät Nachhaltigkeit
Scharnhorststr. 1
21335 Lüneburg
Telefon: 04131 | 677-1721
Telefax: 04131 | 677-2767

Cooperation partner:
Hochschule Weihenstephan-Triesdorf
Prof. Dr. Klaus Menrad
Prof. Dr. Oliver Falk

AZ 31091