
The MINT.ub network comprises more than 40 Schülerlabors (pupil laboratories) throughout Germany.

See for yourself... © Paul Scherrer Institut, Markus Fischer
There are more than 320 student laboratories in German-speaking countries. Here, a school class is experimenting with the iLab spectrometer.

MINT-environmental education (MINT.ub) imparts knowledge about questions on environmental education in the fields of Mathematics, Informatics, Natural Sciences and Technology (MINT). It fosters environmental awareness as well as sustainable environmental actions. Schülerlabors (occasionally called school laboratories or informal science laboratories), with their typical methodology of learning with experiments, are particularly suitable to give children and adolescents an understanding of MINT-environmental education. MINT-environmental education is an extension of the concept of scientific and technical environmental education. Within a DBU-funding focus 30 projects concerning this topic had been developed, tested and evaluated between 2011 and 2015. Typical for the MINT-environmental education is the reference to the MINT-subjects as well as the interdisciplinary experimental learning.

The federal association of Schülerlabors LernortLabor e.V. (LeLa) established the MINT.ub-network in 2015. The network serves the exchange of information as well as the quality assurance and the dissemination of concepts. At the same time synergies are exploited and members of the network benefit from joint public relations via the internet platform by, for instance, publishing the experiment of the month, literature references or results from surveys.

LeLa is the interface in education and youth development between Schülerlabors, politics, economy and science. The federal association disseminates the idea of Schülerlabors and focuses on sustainability education in school laboratories with the establishment of the MINT.ub-network.

Project implementation:
LernortLabor - Bundesverband der Schülerlabore e. V.
Dr. Olaf Haupt
Tentenbrook 9
24229 Dänischenhagen
Telefon:    04349 | 7992971
Telefax:    04349 | 799304

AZ 32152