Sustainability in freight transport and logistics

Sustainability teams in logistics companies learn about environmental protection issues.

See for yourself... © Jens-Jochen Roth
Excursion of teachers of the Max Weber School, Sinsheim to the container terminal in Mannheim

The logistics market has developed into one of the most important sectors of Germany’s economy. However few measures are being undertaken for this industry in the areas of sustainability and energy efficiency. The project being undertaken by the Steinbeis-Innovationszentrums Logistik und Nachhaltigkeit (SLN) organizes qualification measures for trainers in commercial enterprises and for teachers at professional schools and addresses trainees as well. Thus the competence of key persons in the industry is strengthened for the long term, and future specialists are made aware of sustainability-related issues. Cooperating partners in this enterprise are five professional training schools and five small- and medium-sized logistics companies from the metropolitan area around Mannheim.

Under the framework of knowledge transfer, »Sustainability Teams« are formed, each of which are composed of trainees, trainers and teachers. These teams are instructed in the entire spectrum of environmental activity. On a practical level, a vast number of activities have already been tackled: they include the production of models (e.g. GreenCube models) and posters at participating professional schools, and the development of learning materials and handouts. Trainee groups have also designed subject-specific learning sequences on sustainability and energy efficiency in the shipping and logistics industry based on the principle of »Students Learning from Students«.

Project implementation:
Steinbeis-Innovationszentrum Logistik und Nachhaltig­keit (SLN)
Jens-Jochen Roth
Dresdener Str. 17
74889 Sinsheim
Telefon:    07261 | 97459-74
Telefax:    07261 | 97459-78

AZ 29606