Targeted and efficient plant recognition

- enables environmentally-friendly, automated treatment of individual plants.

See for yourself © Premosys
True-Color sensors recognize colors like humans.

Selective plant identification is a precondition for the environmentally-friendly, automated treatment of individual plants. This applies to the needs-based use of fertilizers just as much as to the efficient application of chemical pesticides. A great savings potential in weed control can be realized by means of the perfectly targeted spreading of effective ingredients directly from the single-nozzle to the weed. However, a precondition for this procedure is »high-resolution« plant recognition. Up to now, imaging methods have been incapable of fulfilling this function. 

The goal of a project of the company Premosys GmbH (Wiesbaum) was the development of an array of sensors, made up of optical »true-color« sensors which would make it possible to selectively recognize individual plants. With such a system distinctions could be made between weeds, and the application of herbicides could be directly targeted.

With the help of such a sensor array different individual plants can be perceived accordingly based on their reflective properties (including their »green value«). The application unit enables the moistening of a target surface area of up to 10 x 10 cm, absolutely precisely. The new Sensorik and the single-nozzle-based controllable spray apparatus will allow the user of the future to apply herbicides efficiently and more  sparingly. Alternative mechanical or thermal methods can be applied in a targeted manner, too.


Project implementation:
Premosys GmbH
Higis-Ring 17–20
54578 Wiesbaum
Telefon:    06593 | 99862-0
Telefax:    06593 | 99862-19

AZ 31602