DBU aktuell Nr. 4 | April 2010 | English

Informationen aus der Fördertätigkeit der Deutschen Bundesstiftung Umwelt

1. "Sustainable Investments - new opportunities after the financial crisis?"

The global financial crisis has not only brought the capital markets close to the edge. The real economy came to a standstill, and only through an unprecedented intervention by the leading central banks of many countries a collapse of the global economy could be avoided. The cost of these rescue operations, especially through direct state support in the banking sector and global economic programs, will burden us in form of a huge rise in debt for decades. Scheme deficits on the capital markets and short-term profit motives of the actors have ultimately led to huge losses for many participants. Investment geared to long-term success is something different. But is a sustainable investment really the winners of such a situation?

New opportunities after the financial crisis?
Do sustainable investment provide for new opportunities after the financial crisis? The top experts discuss this question at this year's Summer Academy.

To bring some light into the jungle of environmentally and socially sound investment options, the DBU devoted its 16th International Summer Academy from 20 to 25 June 2010 to this topic. How "green" are sustainable systems? How the financial crisis has impacted on sustainable investments? Can worldwide economic programs boost "green" investments? Does a rating of government bonds make sense from the sustainability perspective? What about investing in commodities? Can they ever be sustainable? Are sustainable investments a perspective? These are just some of the questions that are the focus of the meeting. Professor Hans-Helmut Kotz, Chairman of Deutsche Bundesbank, Markus Beumer, chairman of Commerzbank AG and Juergen Fitschen, CEO of Deutsche Bank AG are some of the top experts involved in the event.

The seminar week starts on Monday with opportunities and risks of sustainable investments from an economic perspective; on Tuesday’s agenda are special issues about sustainability in asset classes such as equities, bonds, property and resources. On Thursday, the question is whether alternative investments like private equity can provide a perspective in the sustainability area. Do we need perhaps a risk culture in the field of sustainable investment to boost innovation? Innovative entrepreneurs will present projects from the funding practices of the DBU and discuss with participants also financing issues.