DBU aktuell Nr. 12 | Dezember 2011 | English

Informationen aus der Fördertätigkeit der Deutschen Bundesstiftung Umwelt

Frau im Labor engl.
The ground ink products from renewable raw materials are subjected to numerous tests

1.) Industrial ink from renewable resources

Expiry dates and batch numbers on food packaging are printed with industrial ink. The inks used for this purpose generally consist of solvents, binders, colorants and additives. These chemical mixtures can contain toxic and irritating substances which strain environment and health. The printing ink manufacturers from the company prometho GmbH have shown that industrial inks can environmentally friendly, completely safe to use and represents no health hazard. Goal of the DBU project was to formulate a fast-drying ink for industrial use with safe ingredients.

Requirements fulfilled

The prometho GmbH has succeeded in producing industrial ink for different application fields almost entirely based on renewable raw materials from exclusively renewable or mineral sources. Instead of problematic chemicals now a water-and ethanol-based pigment preparation and natural resins, cellulose and citric acid are the ingredients of the new eco-ink. The developed formulations are therefore an environmentally friendly alternative to conventional ink systems. The hazard potential that exists through the use of conventional materials throughout the whole production chain from production to consumption could be reduced as well.

The new printing fluid from renewable resources meets all requirements of industrial applications: the ink can be used not only in the various printers and adheres to very smooth and durable surfaces, but it also dries very quickly. It is also characterized by an extremely high light resistance, high colour strength and clarity.

Green Ink as a milestone

Prometho GmbH offers the new inks from renewable resources under the registered trademark »Green Ink« for different applications since the green ink is interesting not only for food packaging, but for a variety of applications - if necessary, the application can be modified in accordance to device and target surfaces. Even glass, plastics, cables, electrical components, car parts and wood can be printed with the ink.

The development of green ink is an environmentally friendly alternative to conventional industrial ink and reduces environment and health alike. The new inks are specifically designated for industrial applications and a milestone in the development of ink.