DBU aktuell Nr. 7-8 | July-August 2012 | English

Informationen aus der Fördertätigkeit der Deutschen Bundesstiftung Umwelt

Umwelt baut Brücken

1.) The Environment Builds Bridges: Project Finale at Bellevue Palace

After three years, the European environmental and newspaper project “The Environment Builds Bridges – Young Europeans in Dialogue”, under the auspices of the Presidents of Bulgaria, Germany, Croatia, Romania and Hungary, is coming to a close. In June the Managing Director of the German Federal Environmental Foundation (Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt, DBU), Dr. Ing. E.h. Fritz Brickwedde, honored student groups from the participating nations who wrote the best newspaper articles in the project’s third year, during “Environment Week” in Berlin.

The award recipients from Stara Zagora (Bulgaria), Mosonmagyaróvár (Hungary), Constanta (Romania), and Zagreb (Croatia) as well as from Bonn, Regensburg and Leverkusen had convinced the international jury in the competition for the 1,000 Euro prize with their newspaper articles on subjects such as low-impact tourism, sustainable wine production, biodiversity, nature protection, protection of cultural assets, environmental education and technical environmental protection – a spectrum of subjects which simultaneously reflects the multiplicity of the DBU’s grant areas. In the 2012 / 2013 school year an “Environment Builds Bridges” project involving Germany and Turkey will take place with five German-Turkish school partnerships.