DBU aktuell Nr. 4 | April 2013 | English

Information on Grant Support Activities of the German Federal Environmental Foundation (Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt)

Frau prüft Flüssigkeit

1.) New grant focus: integrated chemical evaluation

Currently, evaluation of chemicals is supported by methods and findings from the environmental chemistry and ecotoxicology fields; for a prospective development of new chemical products, contributions from synthetic chemistry (“green chemistry”) are also involved with regard to factors of inherent safety. Risk assessment of chemicals is at present undergoing major change – because of (among other reasons) the EU chemical ordinance REACH – which is resulting in an increased demand for research, not only in environmental chemistry and ecotoxicology, but also in the environmental law field and in environmental economics. The goal is the minimization of foot-dragging in political decisions on environmental issues, as it has often occurred (in spite of the emergence of scientific findings on dangerous effects of chemicals) in the past. The call for proposals is directed to very good graduates in the fields of chemistry, biology, environmental sciences, law or economics who wish to work toward a PhD in this interdisciplinarily-designed core subject.

Applications: applications for a doctoral scholarship in the subject focus described should be made online at www.dbu.de/stipendien/.

The application title should begin with “StSP Chemikalienbewertung” in order to make it clear that the application is being made for this scholarship subject. Closing dates for applications are June 15th, 2013 and January 15th, 2014. The contact person for further information is Dr. Maximilian Hempel (tel. 0541 – 9633-311)