DBU aktuell Nr. 9 | September 2013 | English

Information on Grant Support Activities of the German Federal Environmental Foundation (Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt)

Produktentwicklerin Carmen Hock-Heyl (l.) und »Stromrebellin« Ursula Sladek

1.) German Environmental Prize goes to company founder

Hock-Heyl and “Electricity Rebel” Sladek

This year, for the first time, the German Environmental Prize of the German Federal Environmental Foundation (Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt, DBU) is being awarded to two women. The award, which with its 500,000 Euros is the most highly remunerated environmental prize in Europe, will be shared by the founder and Managing Director of the Hock Company (Firma Hock) of Nördlingen, Germany, Carmen Hock-Heyl, and the Chairperson of the Board of Directors of Netzkauf ÉlektrizitätsWerke e.G. (“NetBuy ElectricityWorks”), of Schönau, Germany, Ursula Sladek.

Hock-Heyl is being honored for her work in establishing the market use of insulation mats made of the organic raw material hemp for house construction, and “Electricity Rebel” Sladek because she developed, from its origins in a public citizens’ campaign, Germany’s first ecological electricity provider. “At a time when their ideas were met mostly with sneers, these women did pioneering organizational work in the controversial and timely area of Ecology and Economy, with conviction, competence and tenacity, against massive resistance -- and so transformed their visions into reality”, said DBU General Secretary Dr.-Ing. E. h. Fritz Brickwedde about the Environmental Prizewinners. The prizes will be presented on October 27th by German President Joachim Gauck.