DBU aktuell Nr. 3 | März 2011 | English

Informationen aus der Fördertätigkeit der Deutschen Bundesstiftung Umwelt

1. Students negotiate international agreements

International Climate Conference, World Water Forum, Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity - countries all over the world meet regularly to conclude international agreements, conventions or agreements on the protection of the environment.

Young people assume the role of delegates of the United Nations.
Young people assume the role of delegates of the United Nations.

The topic is always in the media - but what kind of decision processes happen – that is not really understandable from a distance. All too often, the question arises: what does this have to do with everyday life in a small German town, or even with the school life of young people? To understand international debates in their own actions, that offers the "UNEP - International Environmental Policy as first hand experience" of the Wissenschaftsladen Bonn and the Regional Working Group Agenda 21 North Rhine-Westphalia.

Young people from the age of 16 assume the role of delegates of the United Nations. As international players, they learn to consider environmental, social and economic rights in their decision, to talk with others and to compromise. The strategic game can be played on three topics: "Stop climate change!", "Preserve biological diversity" and "Drinking water for all”.

At the beginning of the game, the young people get all necessary information about the chosen topic and the countries they represent, so that they require no prior knowledge. With the receipt of the documents they assume a new identity as state representatives. For five hours they have time to find their positions on various committees and present them. In the meetings they learn about the different positions in the debate and must consistently pursue their own goals, but also develop majority-solutions and alliances. The aim is a joint resolution draft, which the young people had over to a real representative of the city, followed by a discussion of the on-site feasibility and the local importance of the global agreements. In general, the young people meet in the town hall, so that the local political reference is made easily.