DBU aktuell Nr. 3 | März 2012 | English

Informationen aus der Fördertätigkeit der Deutschen Bundesstiftung Umwelt

Mischa Bechberger
Mischa Bechberger

1.) Ambassador for the promotion of renewable energies

Since 2009, Mischa Bechberger is responsible for the international relations of the Spanish Association of Renewable Energies (APPA). His responsibilities include a wide range of lobbying and information activities on the Spanish and European level. Mischa Bechberger serves both as a mouthpiece towards Brussels regarding the recent funding policy development for alternative energy sources in Spain. Conversely, he is an informant for the more than 500 member companies of the oldest Spanish trade association for renewable energies in terms of current EU-legislation.

After studying political science in Berlin with a focus on energy and environmental policy, Mischa Bechberger graduated with a DBU scholarship on the funding policy of renewable energies in Spain.

About his time as DBU scholar, he says:
»Based on extensive research on-site visits, I came early and sometimes quite intensively in contact with the key political actors. This opened not only the door to my current job, but also helped me to a seamless transition from the doctoral thesis to the free economy.«

An example of his activities is to study the macroeconomic impact of renewable energies in Spain. The studies were to be understood as an industry response to growing criticism of supposedly high cost of green energy. Bechberger summarized: »We were able to demonstrate clearly that our sector contributes nearly 1% to the Spanish GDP.«